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This is an innovative Interactive Application being specially developed by Muriel Celinger Art Director 
Audio-Visual communication Arts, Member of IVSR
( lnternational Society of Virtual Rehabilitation) 
who initiated this project in a dialogue with Prof Pierre Singer Director of the intensive Care 
Department, RMC
, in collaboration with Arlette Garih psychanalyst, Saja Assi (Mi-A Director of the 
Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology Department
and Sandy Kramer Physiotherapy Deputy Director, Rabin Medical Center PetahTikva, Israel.

 This project is based on the most up-to-date research: 

1) Individualized Video Physiotherapy Program — Encouraging movernent and exercise by synchronizing the use of ICU rehabilitative bicycles with the 3D moving animated nature scenes, based on the successful pilot project- The special rehabilitative cycle helps to exercise patient's legs orfand upper body with or without motorized assistance, in the patient's ICU room: ft aitnts towards facilitating functional recovery and improved motor capabilities, as well as activating circulation and metabolism, improving breathing and enhancing sense of being


2) Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy - An interactive technique used ta relieve stress as treatment for trauma and post-trauma stress disorder (PTSD), aiming to neurologically activate patients with neurological damage, such as head injuries: Specially planned eye exercises together with 3D audio-visual animations encourage their eyes to follow animation and bilateral sound, leading to enhanced neurological capabilities: 

3) Interactive Communication Board Projection - A virtual communication board with augmented reality and finger tracking technologies for patients who are unable to speak, such as ventilated patients, to provide them the capability to communicate basic needs — hot ¢ cold / close the lights / pain etc.

4) Interactive Drawing Board , Communication Board Projection & Oral Motors and respiration Exercises - Enabling the patient to write, encouraging and enhancing communication with his/her family and the icv staff, even if he/she is ventilated and cannot speak , improved rehabilitation: 
5} Video Animation and Sound — Enhancement of the present project: Choice of colors, sounds, tempo, 
shapes and timing based on research and on present experience at RMC- fmproved circulation, breathing and metabolism Encouragement of motion and physical rehabilitation facreasing capability for communication, especially for ventilated patients who cannot speak and patients with brain damage Stimulation in a responsive environment Relaxation and relief of stress and PTSD-

For more details by phone

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